NanaWall Systems, the leader in opening glass wall technology, introduces the first folding door system in the U.S. to feature custom-crafted frames of Lamboo® laminated bamboo. This stunning new offering embodies the essence of green design: the Energy Star-Certified NanaWall folding door system incorporating the most ecologically responsible wood-alternative material on the market today.
Visit NanaWall Systems at GreenBuild 2010 in Chicago at booth #1088 November 17-19 to see this latest in green building design.
Consistently leading the way in large opening technology, NanaWall was the first large operable glass wall system to achieve Energy Star ratings, and the first to achieve Dade County Hurricane Certification. NanaWall is also the first large operable glass wall system to offer Triple Glazing and Ornilux® Bird Protection Glass. Now NanaWall continues in this tradition of innovation by becoming the first operable glass wall company to offer Lamboo laminated bamboo in a folding door system.
“We chose Lamboo because our customers requested more ecologically responsible material to use in LEED® certified projects,” said Ebrahim Nana, president of NanaWall Systems. "We already offer FSC wood but Lamboo takes the concept one step further and is recognized as a rapidly renewable resource by the U.S. Green Building Council."
Lamboo products meet criteria for 2011 "CALGreen" A4.405.4 (Use of building materials from renewable sources) and contribute to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification under MR Credit 6 - Rapidly renewable materials, IEQ Credit 4.4 - Low-emitting materials; ID Credit 1 - Innovation in Design (Environmentally Preferable Material), and ID Credit 2 - Innovation in Design (Life Cycle Assessment / Environmental Impact).
Lamboo is available with NanaWall’s WD65 wood-framed system and WA67 aluminum-clad wood-framed system.
Lamboo is an engineered bamboo product that is structurally superior to its wood counterparts. With three grain and two color choices available, it is not only structurally stable but aesthetically pleasing. The production process uses 15 percent less embodied energy than that of engineered wood and 300 percent less embodied energy than aluminum and steel. Lamboo on average is 20 percent more stable than wood in moisture and temperature changes, ten times stronger than wood in tension and three times stronger mechanically. Bamboo sequesters 35 percent more carbon than its tree counter parts and also produces 30 percent more oxygen than a like-sized timber forest area.About NanaWall Systems
NanaWall Systems has over 25 years of experience and is the exclusive North American partner of Solarlux, Germany, the world leader in operable glass wall technology. NanaWall Systems’ opening glass walls provide flexible solutions to large architectural openings, from 8 feet to 320 feet and are used in houses, condominiums, restaurants, stadiums, schools and more. Nine of the NanaWall systems have been rated, certified and labeled in accordance with National Fenestration Rating Council 100/200. With certain glass options, Energy Star U value and SHGC requirements for certain climate zones can be met. The NanaWall is unrivaled in the industry for exceeding standards for air infiltration, water penetration, structural performance and forced entry. The NanaWall SL72 and SL73 aluminum folding systems are Miami-Dade County approved and can be used in hurricane areas. NanaWall Systems is a member of the U.S. Green Building Association. The aluminum-framed NanaWall uses recyclable aluminum with non-toxic powder-coated finishes. The wood-framed NanaWall can be FSC certified upon request and uses water-based finishes.
Visit NanaWall For More Information
Visit Lamboo For More Information
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